Healing with Tiff

Complete Freedom Program

8 Weeks to Living in Complete Freedom

Do you Self-Sabotage?

Do you experience negative self talk?

Do you play small?

Do you create pictures of the future going wrong?

If you answered yes to these - I have a SOULution!

Are you where you want to be in life?

Do you know what stops you from playing full out?

Can you easily identify what IS blocking you?

Are you living your life in Complete Freedom?

If you answered no to these - I have a SOULution!

My Name if Tiffany Campbell

I have personally went through this 8 week transformation, and

I have never experienced such rapid and profound changes

in the way I feel day to day and even about myself.

I had so many emotional triggers running my life, and

I didn't even have a clue at how deep it went

and especially how long it had been happening.

My clients can't believe most of the triggers go back to ages of 0-7 or it came from an ancestral past!

They are always shocked during the quantum guided meditation when they go back to such a young age or even before birth and

had felt that way so long that it was impacting their life and their business today without even realizing it.

I would self-sabotage so many things in my life. I was a procrastinator to the point my stress/anxiety levels were through the roof. I didn't realize I had shut down emotionally to the point where I couldn't receive love or give it to my full potential.

I felt lesser-than, insecure, and didn't want to talk to people for fear of rejection.

I felt miserable in my own skin and the negative self-talk was HORRIBLE!

In December 2023, I went on a trip with a group of ladies that I was around back in February 2023. They didn't even recognize me. They kept commenting that I had changed so much...happier, more confident, put together, not a 'hot mess' anymore...my words here.

Below is my own personal journey of some of what I have released. The benefits of these releases have made huge impacts in my life and my business.

  • Hurt, Abandoned, Out of Control, Guilt, Resentment

  • Overwhelmed, Unworthy, Inadequate, Threatened

  • Crisis in faith

  • Depression, Anxiety, Shaky, On Edge, Nervous

  • Miserable in my own skin

  • Fear of losing something important, Fear of losing control

  • Not feeling loved, loss of unconditional love

  • Giving Up, Procrastination

  • Pressure of responsibility

  • I can't do it

  • I'm not good enough

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Fear of losing family and friends if I was authentically me

  • Fear of the unknown, Scared, Fear of not knowing WHAT or HOW to run my business

  • And the list goes on and on and on...

I use a modality called the FIX Code

Here is a short video explaining what this is

What is included in the 8 Weeks to Complete Freedom Program?

  • Educational videos at the beginning to understand this work and how our love languages or rather lack in our love languages impacts our relationships with others and ourselves.

  • Videos to know your triggers: Each week you will watch a short video (5-15 minutes) that will explain the chakra we will work on within that week, emotions that lie within that chakra, and CODES that you will identify that needs to be released.

  • It is imperative to watch the videos before the session for that week so your unconscious mind knows what to put with the words used during the session in order to release multiple emotions at one time. Yes, your unconscious mind will group emotions when it hears one phrase!

  • Checklist - Each week you will receive a checklist to follow as you watch the video where you can track what is a trigger for you and to document your journey.

  • Each week we will meet over zoom as a group to release the CODES that triggered you while watching the video from that week. I will be using the F.I.X. Code and quantum guided meditations to break the ties of emotions from your memories.

  • One video and one session per week for 8 weeks.

  • Zoom meetings WILL NOT be recorded. You must attend LIVE to receive the releases for that week. I understand sometimes unexpected emergencies arise, and I will offer 1 session outside of the group work if needed in this case. If you prefer one on one sessions please reach out for the price of that.

  • Wealth Consciousness - Each week as we release the emotional ties to the past, wealth consciousness increases. The last week we will focus on wealth consciousness and release additional emotions that are preventing you from living in wealth.

  • A proven protocol that starts with your foundation and moves up through the body each week. This work helps in all aspects of your life.

  • During the 8 weeks Tiffany will provide support through text messaging as emotions are triggered and jump on a call with you if needed to support you in your journey. When you are triggered we will get it in the moment if possible outside of the scheduled sessions! You will not be alone as you experience your path to freedom.

  • A community of others going on the same journey so you can interact with each other and build relationships that could last a lifetime.

For a limited time this 8 week program is ONLY $999!

Schedule a 15 minute session to see if this program is for you.

What are customer saying?

Melinda Love

I am so grateful for Tiffany and the FIX Code. I am halfway through the 8 week Complete Freedom program, and I already feel a major energy shift, and my overall state of being feels more settled and peaceful. I host group presentations as part of my business, and I had been feeling so nervous and even physically sick at times when I had to start speaking to the point that I stopped scheduling more events for a while. During one of the sessions with Tiffany, I released "fear of speaking in public." I am now able to host events without that overwhelming feeling of dread. That is just one example of many. Thank You Tiffany.

Crystal Futrell

Thank you Tiffany for letting me experience the FIX Code Complete Freedom program with you. I have noticed myself having less triggered emotions with my family. Sometimes you know when kids push your buttons it can be triggering but I find myself just laughing at it instead of being upset or bothered and then they just laugh with me. Thank you Tiffany.

Rachelle Kuzma

The amount of peace these last 4 weeks of healing have brought are out this world as I am building a new business for my family. These fix codes have brought clear discernment and clear mind for direction. I am so truly grateful for this course! I can’t wait to see where we are in 6 months from all these blocks being removed! Thank you Tiffany! You truly are a healer and going to help soo many to be able to go beyond their dreams in success

Naomi Luz's video 1/2 way through the program

Melinda Love's video 1/2 way through the program

Melissa Berg's video 1/2 way through the program